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Architectural friezes in context

My architectural friezes and concrete tiles are conceived to be incorporated into architectural and landscape settings and to illustrate this I've created some photo collages with images from the architecture book which I used as inspiration for my earlier modernist designs. Placing the friezes on these buildings shows what I had in mind when I first conceived of the idea of making relief friezes. Visit my website to see the frieze collections

The motifs within the friezes are created by casting directly from fabrics and other materials

The friezes and tiles can be commissioned on a small and large scale and cast in a range of materials suitable for both interior and exterior placement.

I think the concept of the architectural frieze has been very much ignored in the last few decades and therefore an opportunity to introduce interesting surface pattern is missed. I'm on somewhat of mission through this work to persuade architects and landscape designers to think again about surface relief in relation to walls and facades.

On a really large scale, recognizable motifs like these tassels become quite bizarre

I like the conrtast which arises when quite detailed patterned and figurative imagery is placed within austere modernist spaces.

Visit my website to see the frieze collections

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