Below I've shown the architectural motifs which are the inspiration for the design.
for more images of this and other friezes follow the link to my website
Apologies for the blurry photos - the ornament is usually very high up on the building and the shot has to be taken on zoom.
Showing the silk taffetta I cast from - working out twists and drapes which echo the sculpted swags seen on building facades
I don't think people often look up to the tops of buildings when walking down a city street - but if you do you will see masses of this amazing ornament.
A bow tied in fabric. I can never tell until I cast from the fabric shapes whether they will work well in reverse - i.e. indented to the surface. Often what looks great in real life doesn't read at all as an indentation. There's a lot of trial and error in developing the designs.
I found that the key to the success of the freize design was to keep the swag in each tile quite simple - the sense of undulating movement is created by lining up a long row of them.
This was another 'swag' idea I worked with - making a photographic image of swags and tassels and digitaly printing them on to ceramic tiles - each one different but creating a long continuous row like the plaster friezes. Never enough hours in the day to work through every idea!
Swag Drape Frieze in situ. For more see the post Friezes in situ
Also see the story behind my Tudor Frieze
and my Tassel Friezes does undulate. Amazing in a medium that is so heavy that you can create such lithe movement. Thank you so much for communicating your thought process with us. Trish